What if I made articles daily? If I did it every week, I would probably do it every Monday, maybe Saturday, but, y’know, it’s just a thought. Doing daily articles or just doing daily ANYTHING is a problem for me, lol.
But in theory, I could make a blog post one day and schedule it for a specific week’s day.
But no. I’m not gonna try to do daily things; I’m just gonna make these when I’m bored and need something to do. And y’know, talking to someone online through some article no one’s gonna see sounds fun. Lol!
Anyway, for something I would like to try and keep consistent (What? Sinco being consistent? Who is this? His whole name means no consistency!) is some phrase or quote at the end of an article so I’m going to leave you with this:
“Don’t be like other people, we don’t get all these good things from people following the crowd.“